Allan Myers Admin. Building
Worcester, PA

This project had enough elements for five projects:
Make a 1980’s office building look like a barn that could have existed on the site. CHECK
Keep the look of an18th century barn on the outside, but make a modern office space on the inside. CHECK
Utilize an old 8x10 black and white photograph taken in the 1940’s to recreate the original company office building that existed on the site — complete with unpainted concrete block chimney like the original and mid century inspired interior. CHECK
Add an exterior emergency egress stair out of the second floor and disguise it behind a corn crib. CHECK
Create an interesting main entrance with custom designed reception counter constructed of concrete, steel and reclaimed wood. This company builds things out of concrete, steel, and wood — makes sense right? CHECK

I would be fibbing if I told you this project was not a challenge. Employees were working in the building for a lot of the construction. Employees sometimes get annoyed when there is a jack hammer ripping through the floor on the other side of their wall. Just sayin.
As is the case with all of our most successful projects- we were stuck in the middle of a strong team. Thanks go out to Jim Cherry, Spike Bales, Tom Capps, Berks Ridge Construction, Callaghan Interior Design, I.T. Landes and Dave Yeager Electric. I would be remiss if I did not mention Mike Weaver and the guys from Vintage Stone for their skills with stone masonry.
Photography by Holcombe Photo Service