The projects we have completed are many and varied. Each one different from all the ones before, that’s the way we like it. We are eager to find just the right balance between practical recommendations and creative instincts.
There is no set way we tackle a project. The goal, the team, the client will show us how it will be handled.
However, three things remain consistent:

Listening with Experience
First and most important, we listen to what our clients need. We blend in our own thoughts and ideas. Sometimes, the resulting design scheme may not be what the client had in mind, instead a version they never considered. Sometimes it turns out exactly like the client envisioned. Either way, the client has to feel good or it’s a no go.
Communicating Graphically
We make a serious effort to convey our designs clearly and creatively. We want everyone on the team to understand and be comfortable with the design direction. Our concepts can be relayed with quick, hand drawn sketches, in 2D digital CAD drawings or with 3D renderings or animations. Sometimes we use all three to explain the details.
Documenting Precisely
What good is a great design if you cannot convey how it should be built? When contractors are out on site with their engines running, they want the details they need to get things done. We make a point of providing the required details clearly and accurately in all our construction documents. That is our job.
And hey- in a perfect world nobody makes a mistake or overlooks anything. But this is not a perfect world, and old buildings are known for unforeseen concerns. When issues arise, they take priority over other work going on in our office. Problems come up- we get them resolved quickly so we can all move on.
We are currently registered to practice Architecture in the following states: Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Colorado and Michigan.